Sonic Vectors and Digital Territories


Course Long Title

Sonic Vectors and Digital Territories

Subject Code


Course Number




Integrated Media

Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


How can sound create various webs between self and surrounding through reimagining all objects as potential sonic performers? Sounds can operate by forming deep links and various conjunctions into weaving the individual into the surrounding sonic environment and larger social fabric. This class looks at the ways sound operates and travels through objects in relation to sonic spaces and digital territories. We will look at the history of sound art, multichannel sound installations, and mechatronics through experimentation and deep listening practices. How can artists working with sound reconfigure the spatial distinctions of inside and outside by thinking of all objects as having immersive sonic possibilities? Through hands-on making and collecting sounds, we will practice extending everyday objects into sound objects through speaker transducers and motors. What are the possibilities for sounds when any object can become a sonic source? How can we abstract, attenuate, or actuate these objects by rethinking their sonic potential? Can each speaker be treated as a performer, a poet, node, vector or sculpture in a larger acoustic network? How can we extend these objects through electronics, code, and motors? In a series of hands-on workshops, we will explore the technical possibilities of working with multiple sound sources, networking and configuring multi-channel audio sound installations, and controlling basic motors and solenoids using Arduinos and code. We will explore the digital sound space and think of various ways to actualize these sounds in acoustic space outside and inside of the computer. How can we reconfigure the sonic space by treating every object as a potential sound actuator and extend these objects through creating complex interactions with code? This class is a series of workshops looking at the various ways we can use sound to reimagine, extend or reconfigure our understandings of space.
No Requisite Courses