Gaga for Dancers


Course Long Title

Gaga for Dancers

Subject Code


Course Number



Academic Level

GR - Graduate


Gaga is the movement research developed by Ohad
Gaga is a new way of gaining knowledge and
self-awareness through your body. Gaga provides a
framework for discovering and strengthening your
body and adding flexibility, stamina, arid agility
while lightening the senses
and imagination. Gaga raises awareness of physical
weaknesses, awakens numb areas, exposes physical
fixations, and offers ways for their elimination.
The work improves instinctive movement and
connects conscious and unconscious movement, and
it allows for an experience of freedom and
pleasure in a simple way, in a pleasant space, in
comfortable clothes, accompanied by music, each
person with himself and others.
Gaga is a technique for dancers, but it is also
for people without dance experience.
Gaga classes offer a creative framework for
participants to connect to their bodies and
imaginations, increase their physical awareness,
improve their flexibility and stamina, and
experience the pleasure of movement in a
welcoming, accepting atmosphere.
Particioants should wear comfortable clothes and
be oreoared to dance barefoot or in socks. It is
advisable to bring a bottle of water and a towel
for after class.

Registration Restrictions

RGDANC - Dance School Only