Pedagogy of the Oppressed: Radical Ideas


Course Long Title

Pedagogy of the Oppressed: Radical Ideas

Subject Code


Course Number


Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


How do you best learn? Who were the teachers that
inspired you? Who were the teachers that made you
give up? In this class, we will discuss how
educational environments can be oppressive and
what we can do as artists and aspiring educators
to create spaces for collective liberation. The
class will be centered around Paulo Freire's
"Pedagogy of the Oppressed" and we will consider
how we have seen (or not seen) his theories and
philosophies applied in educational environments
that we have encountered. We will also be
considering other radical teaching philosophies
from the minds of bell hooks, Augusto Boal, Jackie
Wang and more. The class will consist of class
discussions, analyzing lessons, watching
documentaries, writing essays reflecting on our
readings & discussions, and conjuring proposals
for alternative educational environments that
center inquiry, love, and compassion. This class
is best paired with CSOC-300 Artist As Educator as
it will provide students with the opportunity to
have in depth discussions and writing
opportunities on shared reading assignments from a
more theoretical approach.
No Requisite Courses