Practical Economics


Course Long Title

Practical Economics

Subject Code


Course Number


Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


The course is aimed to introduce concepts and
tools of basic economic analysis at both micro
macro levels. This course provides a
non-technical introduction to the basic concepts
in economics, with a focus on the United States.
It will provide instruction in the nature and
function of product markets (supply and demand),
economic decision making, types of economic
systems, economic growth, recession and
inflation, income distribution and wages, and
fiscal and monetary policies. Using these
fundamental economic concepts, this course
provides a foundation for informed decision
making regarding current economic debates. In
areas in which there is considerable disagreement
about economic analysis or about the nature of
the real world, the course explores the issues
underlying the disagreement. There will be a
strong emphasis on how economics is related to
current events.
No Requisite Courses