Poetics and Practice


Course Long Title

Poetics and Practice

Subject Code


Course Number


Academic Level

GR - Graduate


Poetics and Practice: Projects, Translations,
Interventions, Rupture, Static

This course will explore the interplay between
the context and the poem, between place and
craft, poem as intervention. Craft not as a pound
of product but as process or flux, form that can
fold into mutation. Close reading of poems with a
view to what still lives for you. With
"galleries" of Futurists, Dadaists, Surrealists,
etc. in Jerome Rothenberg's Poems for the
Millenium as a guide, we'll survey poems and
poetics in context for discussions in some depth
of interrelations between language and
aesthetics, between manifestos and politics.
Students will explore poetics in specificity and
select relevant examples to share in presentation
and selections from personal projects to workshop
as poems.

Registration Restrictions

RGCMWP - Creative Writing Program Only