Writing Now First Year Seminar


Course Long Title

Writing Now First Year Seminar

Subject Code


Course Number


Academic Level

GR - Graduate


In this class, MFA students will gain exposure to
diverse visiting writers. In the first term, we
will meet once a week to read and discuss cutting
edge work, paying specific attention to narrative
voice, sentence structure, and the use of
figurative language. We will closely read course
texts in relation to our own experiments,
considering genre, inspiration, and publishing
trends. We will also interrogate the
political, social, and personal in our creative
writing and critical response.
Over the next 3 terms, course meetings will
correlate with public events featuring writers/
speakers related to our four program
concentrations (Documentary Strategies, Image
&Text, Writing & Its Publics
and Writing & Performativity). Fostering our MFA
community, Writing Now will offer MFA students
continuous access to compelling examples of
writing production and circulation.

Registration Restrictions

RGCMWP - Creative Writing Program Only