Fissure and Multiplicity


Course Long Title

Fissure and Multiplicity

Subject Code


Course Number


Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


Course not open to BFA1 students.
A Collision of Voices: Fissure and Multiplicity
in Latin American Literature will look at a wide
range of diverse works in translation-manifestos,
oral history, revolutionary accounts, poems,
autobiographies, short stories, historic
accounts, songs and novel excerpts-to investigate
the pluralistic nature of Latin American literary
production from The Pre-Columbian Era to the
present. The course will pay close attention to
the dynamic history and politics of the region,
as well as the multicultural nature of the
societies in which work was produced. Texts will
include codices, Mexican corridos, crónicas,
Brazilian Concrete Poetry, Afro-Latino
literature, works of modernismo, criolloismo,
indigenismo, and feminismo, among others.
No Requisite Courses