Buying & Selling the Fantasy of L.A.


Course Long Title

Buying & Selling the Fantasy of L.A.

Subject Code


Course Number


Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


Buying and Selling the Fantasy of Los Angeles.
Buying and Selling of LA. How did Los Angeles
become the capital of boosterism and global
marketing-- the city of the social imaginary? A
social history of power, promotion and social
conflict in LA. What is the relationship between
Hollywood cinema and the the fact of this city?
What does the dark (noir) vision actually
represent? From film fantasies to the actual
neighborhoods that are hidden by myths of the
city, we venture into a century of swindles,
duplicity and simple survival, the mundane facts
that are are essential to understanding the
fantasies. What took place behind the civil
disturbances, the biblical p[agues, and the
strange architectural simulation: how to locate
the layers of the city. A survey of ethnic groups
who emigrated here, of the in-migration as well
as the immigrants from other countries; and of
the inner basin and the metropolitan suburbs. And
of course, the transitions into the twenty-first
century-- vast changes as we speak-- and into
decades to come.
No Requisite Courses