Artspeak 4A: English for the Arts


Course Long Title

Artspeak 4A: English for the Arts

Subject Code


Course Number


Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


The Artspeak course series provides instruction
for multilingual students in the linguistic and
cultural conventions of art school. As students
studying in the United States, English use is part
of your overall development as
artists/designers/practitioners. Therefore,
Artspeak classes have two purposes: 1) to work
with the English you already know to develop
focused strategies so that you can work
efficiently and effectively with in
art/design/performance contexts and 2) to add new
knowledge to your English language use. Artspeak
4A is a speaking/listening course designed for MFA
students and upper-level BFA students that focuses
on the conventions of North American classroom and
critique oral/aural language. The content of the
course addresses language use in classroom and
critique settings including understanding and
producing spontaneous speech, producing extended,
decifering and speaking with directness and
indirectness, interrupting, and responding to
other speakers.