Experimental Science Fiction Writing


Course Long Title

Experimental Science Fiction Writing

Subject Code


Course Number


Academic Level

UG - Undergraduate


This creative writing class familiarizes students
with a wide range of science fiction. Students
are introduced to genre works, ranging from weird
writing, golden era science fiction, the new
wave, cyberpunk, to slipstream, cli-fi, bizarro
fiction and philo-fiction. Both experimental and
traditional story-telling techniques are
reviewed, with a special emphasis placed on style
and hybrid narrative forms. Projects include the
short story, proposal and film treatment, and are
peer reviewed in a workshop format. Topics for
writing exercises are drawn from an array of
sources, including nanotechnology, neuroscience,
robotics and genetic engineering. Sub-genres
include environmental science fiction, future
cities, space and colonization, and gender and
science fiction. Materials for study range from
the renowned works of J.G. Ballard, Octavia
Butler, Philip K. Dick, William Gibson, and James
Tiptree, Jr., to the current works of Paolo
Bacigalupi, Kelly Link, Reza Negrastani, Charles
Stross, and Vandana Singh. Selected critical
essays and film will supplement readings.
No Requisite Courses