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TEMG.MFA - Master of Fine Arts - Exp Design & Production - Management


Program Title

Master of Fine Arts - Exp Design & Production - Management



MFA - Master of Fine Arts

Program Level


CIP Code (National ID)


Free Form Requirements

MFA Stage Management Specialization

Students who complete the MFA Stage Management specialization will display:

  • Confidence as creative leaders who set a positive tone and energize the production process.

  • The ability to foster collaboration and nourish creativity.

  • The skill to communicate ideas and challenges in a way that generates creative and practical solutions.

  • Master of the practical skills necessary to succeed in the professional environment.

  • Mature and sophisticated interpersonal skills and a well-developed sense of self.

  • Openness to new ideas and an appetite for knowledge.

Métier Requirements

  • TMSM 500 Foundations of Stage Management I

  • TMSM 501 Foundations of Stage Management II

  • TMSM 540 Theatrical Unions

  • TMSM 700 Stage Mgmt in Theory & Practice

  • TMSM 701 Stage Mange(r): The Artistic Profession's Creative Leaders

  • TMPR 500 Foundations of Creative Producing

  • TMPR 615 The Business of Producing Performance

  • TMPR 660 Contracts/Is It Legal

  • TDAP 695 D&P Production (5 semesters)

  • TCPM 525 Special Topics in Stage Management (5 semesters)

  • TTDI 500 Fundamentals of Tech Direction I

  • THST 500 Interpretive Strategies for Plays

  • THST 501 Interpretive Strategies for Performance or equivalent elective

  • TWNT 600 Winter Session (every Spring that it is offered)

Additional Curricular Tracks Available to students enrolled in the MFA Management Specialization

MFA Production Management Specialization

Students who complete the MFA Production Management specialization will:

  • Be well adapted, highly motivated individuals with a solid foundation of values, principles and philosophies.

  • Have a well-developed sense of self and be able to appreciate who they are as individuals and how they interact with peers and colleagues.

  • Understand how to foster collaboration and communication skills, both verbal and written.

  • Understand the fundamentals necessary to "read people" and develop a modality of "engaging" to achieve the best relationship.

  • Possess the skills and the flexibility to work in a wide range of disciplines, with an awareness of the field, aesthetically, politically, and globally.

  • Be imbued with an understanding of the ideas and practices of leadership and management and be able to fully engage as managers in the entertainment industry in general and in project management specifically.

  • Be able identify, anticipate, and take steps to prevent problems and identify possible solutions to challenges that may exist.

  • Develop the technical knowledge necessary to manage a technical process with artists and craftspeople

Métier Requirements

  • TTDI 500 Fundamentals of Technical Direction I

  • TMPR 550 Contracts

  • TMPM 635 Production Budgeting or TMPR 615 Business of Theater

  • TMPR 660 Is it Legal? Law for the Arts or TMSM 540 Theatrical Unions

  • THST 500 Interpretive Strategies for Plays

  • THST 501 Interpretive Strategies for Performance or equivilant elective

  • TMPM 798 Graduate Internship (may replace 1 semester of TCPM 695)

  • TWNT 600 Winter Session (every Spring that it is offered)

  • minimum 2 Technical Direction courses

Via consultation with your mentor, suggested electives are offered within the School of Theater and throughout the Institute, subject to availability and permission of listed instructor.

MFA Producing Specialization

Students who complete the MFA Producing specialization will:

  • Demonstrate mature and increasingly sophisticated leadership skills, while growing in self-awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses.

  • Possess necessary practical skills, such as budgeting, marketing, grant writing, contracts and negotiation, public speaking, and facilitation.

  • Exhibit creative and independent thinking, problem-solving, and use of resources.

  • Have the ability to extrapolate linear information from non-linear circumstances.

  • Have experienced a variety of aesthetic and practical approaches that challenge and expand their awareness of the infinite possibilities and permutations of theater making.

  • Demonstrate an evolved personal aesthetic and an avid interest in new artists, audiences, and methodologies.

Métier Requirements

  • TMPR 500 Foundations of Creative Producing

  • TMPR 510 Arts Marketing

  • TMPR 550 Contracts

  • TMPR 615 Business of Theater

  • TMPR 630 Grant Writing and Fundraising

  • TMPR 660 Is it Legal? Law for the Arts

  • TMPR 798 Graduate Internship

  • TMPR 799 Independent Study: Thesis Project

  • TCPM 650 Creative Producing Studio (2 semesters)

  • TDAP 695 D&P Production (5 semesters)

  • TMSM 540 Theatrical Unions

  • THST 500 Interpretive Strategies for Plays

  • THST 501 Interpretive Strategies for Performance or equivalent elective

  • TWNT 600 Winter Session (every spring that it is offered)

Via consultation with your mentor, suggested electives are offered within the School of Theater and throughout the Institute, subject to availability and permission of listed instructor.