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ATEK.MFA - Master of Fine Arts - Art and Technology


Program Title

Master of Fine Arts - Art and Technology



MFA - Master of Fine Arts

Program Level


CIP Code (National ID)


Free Form Requirements

Art and Technology

Master of Fine Arts and Advanced Certificate of Fine Arts

Learning Goals for the Art and Technology MFA Program

By the time that students graduate from the MFA Program in Art and Technology, they should have:

  • Developed a substantial body of work that articulates a distinct personal vision using a broad range of practical, conceptual, and technical problem solving skills;

  • Actualized the complex dialectic between the creative process and emerging forms of new technologies;

  • Forged an informed multidisciplinary art practice through physical and intellectual effort, creative research, and critical analysis;

  • Demonstrated an ability to think critically and communicate persuasively to a chosen audience about the cultural, historical, and political issues inherent in technology and culture; and

  • Successfully completed a mid-residency and graduation faculty review of work that exhibits a personal artistic expression and a critical point of view.

Students enrolled in the MFA Program in Arts and Technology must demonstrate competency through their Graduate Project, which consists of an exhibition of a final body of work and a presentation of their critical research with accompanying documentation. The Graduate Project is supervised by an individual mentor and a faculty committee. The student's Graduate Project must demonstrate an innovative and creative use of new forms of media and technologies within the context of a cogent critical premise.

All graduate students will be pre-enrolled in MFA Art and Technology Practicum Workshop. In addition students can also take Winter Session workshops.


Mentoring is a crucial element for students and faculty to develop knowledge and understanding of the experience in the program and school. Each student is required to maintain regular contact with their mentor, including at least one meeting per semester and regular consultation on their course schedule.

First Year

Required Courses:

  • ATEK510 Art and Technology Studio I

  • ATEK511 Art and Technology Studio II

  • ATEK520 Conversations on Technology Media and Culture

  • ATEK530 Networked Studio and Critique

  • ATEK531 Research and Practice: Seminar

  • ATEK700 MFA Art and Technology Practicum Workshop

Second Year

Required Courses:

  • ATEK620 Technology, Culture and Critique

  • ATEK630 Research and Development

  • ATEK640 Creative Research

  • ATEK700 MFA Art and Technology Practicum Workshop

In Addition:

The Independent Study requirements in the second year can be substituted with an elective.

There is also a group exhibition in the MFA1 year and a final thesis exhibition in the MFA2 years.

There are 2 reviews that are required for graduation, one at the end of the MFA 1 year and one at the end of the MFA 2 year.


  • Four approved academic courses (over the course of the two-year residency)

  • At least four Independent Studies (over the course of the two-year residency)

  • Technical Elective

  • Studio Elective