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TEDP.BFA - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Experience Design & Production


Program Title

Bachelor of Fine Arts - Experience Design & Production



BFA - Bachelor of Fine Arts

Program Level


CIP Code (National ID)


Free Form Requirements

BFA Experience Design and Production Course Requirements

Curricula for the Programs in Experience Design and Production consist of classroom studies and hands-on studio and production work. Entering BFA students are required to complete a common set of foundation courses that cover aesthetics, theory, history, literature, graphics, technology, and crafts. Transfer and upper-division undergraduates work with their mentors to create training programs tailored to each student's individual needs and interests. The curriculum for each métier area is highly individualized, with core program requirements serving as a framework for further studies customized to meet each student's goals and ambitions.

Upon graduation, successful BFA Experience Design and Production candidates will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a critical understanding of the historical and cultural foundation of theatrical and arts practices, as well as knowledge of the contemporary arts landscape.

  • Effectively explain their work, and to present concepts skillfully in writing and through visual or aural communication.

  • Work professionally, responsibly, and collaboratively within the challenges of a variety of projects while contributing a vibrant, creative voice.

  • Demonstrate a body of original work, created in the classroom and in production, which shows an expressive understanding of design for performance processes and a personal aesthetic platform upon which to build.

  • A demonstrable competency in the technological principles and techniques of the practiced area of specialization, along with ambition to explore new innovative methods, materials, and outcomes.

  • Demonstrate a basic knowledge of allied theatrical disciplines (scenery, costume, lighting, sound, media) promoting an awareness of the complexity of problem-solving issues each may encounter, and the dissolution of conventional hierarchies.

Métier Requirements: BFA Experience Design and Production

TAIC 100 Conversations in Contemporary Theater

TAIC 300 Survey of World Theater-Text *

Eight units from the following

  • TFND Studio Labs (4 per semester) choose from the following:

  • TFND-110D Light Lab

  • TFND 110H Theatrical conventions

  • TFND 110K Costume Tech: Torso Sloper

  • TFND 110L Body Padding & Rigging for 3-D

  • TFND 110N Their*Story

  • TFND 110P Basic Sound Kit

  • TFND 115B Ode to Paul Thek

  • TFND 115J Where Do Good Ideas Come From?

  • TFND 115K Ode to Paul Thek Part 2

  • TFND 115L Substitute Objects

  • TFND 120G Shark Tank

  • TFND 125A WordRobe

  • TFND 125B Alphabet City

  • TFND 125C Barbeque

  • TFND 125D Look At This

  • TFND 125H Creative Listening

  • TFND 125J Intro to Virtual Reality

  • TFND 125K Epistolary Room

  • TFND 125N Draw/Write/Read Sound

  • TFND 125O Lost and Found Sounds

  • TFND 125P Fear and (C)loathing

  • TFND 125Q Research Methods for Designers

  • TFND 125R Speaking Through Light *

TFND 195 Production Orientation

TDAP 450 Closure

TWNT 300 Winter Session (every Spring that it is offered)

Three units selected with mentor from the following:

  • TAIC 305 Survey of World Theater - Performance Tactics

  • TAIC 310 Arts and Activism

  • TAIC 315 Art and Community Engagement

*required in the first year

BFA Costume Design Specialization

Sensitive to the art of performing, to the coordination of visual effects, to the expressions of the written and unwritten word, to the cultural anthropology of clothing, and to the techniques of manufacture, students undertake pre-professional studies in costume design, drawing and rendering, history, and related technologies.


  • *Eight units from TFND Studio Labs, see full list above

  • TCOS 100, 101 Costume Techniques I

  • Minimum of 2 drawing and/or digital drawing courses

  • TAIC 100 Conversations in Contemporary Theater

  • TAIC 300 Survey of World Theater - Text

  • TWNT 300 Winter Session (every Spring that is offered)

  • Three units selected with mentor from the following: 

    • TAIC 305 Survey of World Theater - Performance Tactics

    • TAIC 310 Arts and Activism

    • TAIC 315 Art and Community Engagement

    • TCOS 210, 211 Costume Design Methodology

  • Special Topics: Minimum 2 Special Topics in Experience Design, Scenic, Lighting or Interactive Media (choose any 300 level design course)

  • TDAP 395 D&P Production (6 semesters)

  • TCOS 499-498 Independent Study/Internship (1 semester)

  • Via consultation with your mentor, suggested electives are offered within the School of Theater and throughout the Institute, subject to availability and permission of listed instructor.

BFA Lighting Design Specialization

In a specialization committed to both artistry and technology, students gain a firm understanding of the lighting design process, from the development and articulation of a conceptual approach, to plot making, to the creation of the realized work onstage. They broaden their experience with additional projects in film, video, dance, and art.


Eight units from TFND Studio Labs, see full list above

  • TAIC 100 Conversations in Contemporary Theater

  • TAIC 300 Survey of World Theater - Text

  • TWNT 300 Winter Session (every Spring that it is offered)

  • Three units selected with mentor from the following: 

    • TAIC 305 Survey of World Theater - Performance Tactics

    • TAIC 310 Arts and Activism

    • TAIC 315 Art and Community Engagement

  • TLTG 210 Lighting Design I: The Design Process

  • TLTG 215 Lighting Design 2

  • TLTG 325 Environmental Lighting

  • TLTG 330 Lighting the New Script

  • TIMM 360 Vectorworks

  • TIMM 440 Digital Rendering I or TIMM 444 Digital Drawing

  • Special Topics: Minimum 2 Special Topics in Experience Design, Scenic, Costume, Sound, or Interactive Media

  • TDAP 395 D&P Production (6 semesters)

  • Via consultation with your mentor, suggested electives are offered within the School of Theater and throughout the Institute, subject to availability and permission of listed instructor.

BFA Scene Design Specialization

Scene design, in providing a visual support to the dramatic form, is an integral part of the theater and is woven into the fundamental philosophies of modern performance practice. Students strive for the vision and imagination of a creative artist; the ingenuity and skills of a stage artisan; and the knowledge and sense of a performance director.


Eight units from TFND Studio Labs, see full list above

  • TIMM 210 Introduction to Sketch-up

  • TSCE 110 Undergrad Techniques in Design

  • TAIC 100 Conversations in Contemporary Theater

  • TAIC 300 Survey of World Theater - Text

  • TWNT 300 Winter Session (every Spring that it is offered)

  • Three units selected with mentor from the following: 

    • TAIC 305 Survey of World Theater - Performance Tactics

    • TAIC 310 Arts and Activism

    • TAIC 315 Art and Community Engagement

  • TSCE 201 Scene Design I

  • TSCE 300, 301 Special Topics in Scene Design

  • TIMM 440 Digital Rendering or TIMM 444 Digital Drawing

  • Drafting (choose from AutoCAD, Vectorworks or other by approval)

  • TDAP 395 D&P Production (6 semesters)

  • TSCE 499-498 Independent Study/Internship (2 semesters)

  • Via consultation with your mentor, suggested electives are offered within the School of Theater and throughout the Institute, subject to availability and permission of listed instructor.

BFA Sound Design Specialization

While integrating aesthetic concerns with scientific disciplines, the Sound Design program can stretch as far as each student's energy, inventions, and imagination allow. Students are urged to explore abundant projects and coursework throughout the institute.


Eight units from TFND Studio Labs, see full list above

  • TSND 201 Sound Design I

  • TSND 112 Research Based Sound

  • TSND 121 Sound/Music/Noise Design

  • TAIC 100 Conversations in Contemporary Theater

  • TAIC 300 Survey of World Theater - Text

  • TWNT 300 Winter Session (every Spring that it is offered)

  • Three units selected with mentor from the following: 

    • TAIC 305 Survey of World Theater - Performance Tactics

    • TAIC 310 Arts and Activism

    • TAIC 315 Art and Community Engagement

  • TDAP 395 D&P Production (6 semesters)

  • Special Topics: Minimum 2 Special Topics in Experience Design, Scenic, Costume, Lighting, or Interactive Media

  • TSND 340, 341 Creative Listening for the Sound Designer

  • TSND 365 Methodology of Sound

  • TSND 460 Professional Sound Environments

  • TSND 465 Acoustic Environments

  • Via consultation with your mentor, suggested electives are offered within the School of Theater and throughout the Institute, subject to availability and permission of listed instructor.

BFA Stage Management Specialization

The BFA Stage Management specialization enables students to develop as artistic leaders and collaborative artists through project-based instruction in management, theatrical design, acting, directing, and stagecraft. Emphasis is placed on developing strong communication and critical thinking skills, broad knowledge of the professional arts environment, and proficiency in the practical skills necessary for success in a variety of professional environments.


Eight units from TFND Studio Labs, see full list above

  • TAIC 100 Conversations in Contemporary Theater

  • TAIC 300 Survey of World Theater - Text

  • TWNT 300 Winter Session (every Spring that it is offered)

  • Three units selected with mentor from the following: 

    • TAIC 305 Survey of World Theater - Performance Tactics

    • TAIC 310 Arts and Activism

    • TAIC 315 Art and Community Engagement

  • TDAP 395 D&P Production (minimum of 6 semesters)

  • TMSM 100 Basic Stage Management

  • TMSM 101 Basic Stage Management II

  • TTDI 105 Stagecraft I

  • TGEN 310 Institute Acting

  • TGEN 320 Institute Directing

  • TACT 130 Run Crew

  • TMSM 340 Theatrical Unions

  • TMSM 325 Special Topics in Stage Management

  • Via consultation with your mentor, suggested electives are offered within the School of Theater and throughout the Institute, subject to availability and permission of listed instructor.

BFA Technical Direction Specialization

With a high degree of skill and creativity, students discover ways to utilize today's changing technology. They take the lead in the creation of new art and technologies, and exhibit a level of professionalism that meets or exceeds the growing demands of the theater/entertainment industries and the field of technical direction.


Eight units from TFND Studio Labs, see full list above

  • TAIC 100 Conversations in Contemporary Theater

  • TAIC 300 Survey of World Theater - Text

  • TWNT 300 Winter Session (every Spring that it is offered)

  • Three units selected with mentor from the following: 

    • TAIC 305 Survey of World Theater - Performance Tactics

    • TAIC 310 Arts and Activism

    • TAIC 315 Art and Community Engagement

  • TTDI 305 Advanced Stagecraft

  • TIMM 315 AutoCAD I

  • TIMM 325 AutoCAD II

  • TTDI 300 Fundamentals of Technical Direction

  • TTDI 425 Tech Mgt Style & Technique

  • TSCM 225 Statistical Engineering*

  • ICOM301 Digital Fabrication

  • TDAP 395 D&P Production (6 semesters)

  • TTDI 410 Parametric Drafting

  • TTDI 450 Rigging

  • Via consultation with your mentor, suggested electives are offered within the School of Theater and throughout the Institute, subject to availability and permission of listed instructor.